JMYX Holding is a own-fund structure to finance companies growth, with a main focus on fintech companies.
Since the end of 2014, JMYX Holding has invested in market leaders including Palico, SmartTrade, Unowhy.
While the initial investments were achieved in France so far, this is not a limitation and JMYX Holding is looking to invest in the US and other EU countries as well.
JMYX Holding has selected FA DIESE to finance start-ups. FA DIESE is run by a specialized and highly experienced team, headed by Isabelle de Baillenx, funder (www.fadiese.fr).
JMYX Holding is a member of the association France Invest (formerly known as AFIC - www.franceinvest.eu).

Entrepreneur at heart, Jean LOSCO, computer engineer, graduates at ESIEA Paris in 1989. He co-founds FircoSoft in the 90s, a software company dedicated to financial institutions. From his passion for AI, and pragmatism, he develops a software suite allowing banks to filter in real-time their transactions, to help institutions to comply with the international regulations for financing of terrorism fight and AML. The shock of September 11, 2001, the evolution of financial regulations, the transition from banking secrecy to compliance, has made FircoSoft a group established on five continents, recognized as the world leader in banking filtering transactions flows since 2003.After more than twenty years at FircoSoft Group, Jean LOSCO leaves his CEO and President role and starts a new story. In September 2014, he founds JMYX Holding, a family office, to mainly finance companies in the FinTech sector and to share his management experience with executives.